Slam Video Details

Skier Pseudonym: Cedar Teionietathe Jocks

Crash Location: Breckenridge, Colorado

Crash Date: 3/1/2010

Slam Detail: It was supposed to be a mellow jib day filming in Breck. I didn’t see the metal rods holding up the baby tree and when I caught a tip off the rail, i fell onto my back and bounced off the rods. Big hole in my right butt cheek and a fracture in my pelvis… Crash happens at the end of the segment.

***Hi Slytech,

I just entered the slam video contest with a video of a “bloody Slam at Breckenridge.” I know I was in the contest a couple of months ago already with the same vid, (actually that one was a bit different and a lot longer. This one is my segment from Shadow Puppet Collection’s new film, but it is a lot of the same footage.) But i realized that I was up against Jonah Elston who is a radical little shredder and the son of a good friend of mine. i didn’t want to take away his chance of winning so i let the contest go by the wayside. i would really like to be in the contest again this month as i think i could do really well and could really use the protection.

thanks guys!

Be Fun,

have Safe,

and Get Down!

-Cedar Teionietathe Jocks***

***Bloody, gory scenes! If you’re a minor or just get quinsy at the site of huge gaping flesh-wounds, don’t watch!***

Cedar Jocks 2010 from Matt Mulligan on Vimeo.

If you think this is one of the gnarliest slam vids on the Slytech blog, click on the FACEBOOK LIKE BUTTONS and TWITTER BUTTONS UP TOP. Also ask yourself: could a back protector have helped prevent some of these injuries? Perhaps the belt of a back protector may have protected his upper bum area? Perhaps the coccyx adapter of the back protector could have softened the blow and averted the fracture pelvis? It’s just conjecture, but these are questions worth asking yourself.