Its been an amazing start to the season here in NZ. All the snow means the parks are already looking really good. If you are hating summer already, maybe it time to think about a trip to the Souther Hemi. Just wanted to give everyone an update on the Parks at Cardrona. Also wanted to hear what everyone thinks of the parks so far and find out what people want to see for the rest of the season.

Park Crew Getting a few turns in on a day off

We Built a bunch 17 new features this year.

We will be building a few more rails if you have any ideas.

All 4 parks are already open and the 22' Pipe opened today. Pushing has begun for the Big Air and International Pipe.

Olympic Pipe is looking good

Big Bucks Park- Big Bucks has a couple rails up top going into the triple line 35', 45', and 55'

The 4th jump will be open in a few days

Antlers Alley- Meduim triple line is super fun at 20', 25', and 30'. Already a bunch of flowy rails lower down with a bunch more to come.

Stag Lane- 12 Jibs in here but we will be adding more every night.

Little Bucks Park- The little park got moved this year and now has 5 jumps and 6 jibs to get your tricks dialled on.

Don't be afraid to say what's up and let us know you guys think.