Ok, just read a bunch of my old blog entries. Maybe they aren't entertaining to others, but I was damn well entertained. I'm starting this back up again.

Wishing I could give it a proper title.

"The Trials and Tribulations of a Self Proclaimed Ski Town Hottie."

Why that title? Because it is damn entertaining living in a town where the ratio is entirely in favor of the female population, especially when you're an "LA 7" (according to my guy friends).

Sadly, I can't start this off in Mammoth because I'm on a summer sabbatical in Switzerland.

I can however say that in this month of July, I am absolutely stoked for October/December.

- I'm doing great with my own business

- I am finally going to have ski boots that fit (I wear a 22; 268 BSL).

- I already have the money for my season pass

- I am going to be living in my lovely 1 bedroom apartment ALONE

- All of my friends are coming back except for Em (training for the Olympics at Breck) and Toni (who will be up 2 - 3 times a month).

- I'm already in the process of getting my Avy 1 cert taken care of with a group of my friends

- I'm finishing up my industry website in the next 2 months which will make my press passes to SIA, X-games 100% legitimate.

- I've already got my halloween costume in the works with one of my amazing friends. Siamese Circus Twins circa 1940's.

- Found a really good (sort of affordable) health insurance plan for $201 a month which will also give me eye and dental.

- I think I have finally convinced Meesh to leave CO for a few days and visit me.

- My friends from Minnesota are skipping on Steamboat this year and coming out to Mammoth instead.

- I'll finally have a quality camera (used but meh, still stoked).

So much good is going to happen this season!