If you live at Lake Tahoe or visit, undoubtedly you’ve picked up the local paper and read the phenomenal articles published by Mark McLaughlin, a.k.a., The Storm King.

You’ve probably read one of his many award-winning books, including Sierra Stories: True Tales of Tahoe (volumes I and II); Western Train Adventures; The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly; and several others.

Mark McLaughlin is a living legend locally, and known nationally for his published work, as well as for being the go-to historian about the Sierra Nevada. He’s also a weather and snow fanatic.

Yesterday, Mark skied Alpine Meadows and created some amazing photos for Tahoe Nuggets. Tahoe Nuggets offers great photos and true accounts and briefs of ongoing – and fascinating – subjects around the Sierra Nevada, and is delivered via email once or twice monthly. Signing up for Tahoe Nuggets is highly recommended.

Check out some of Mark’s photos: