GayWolf420I ski Kartel 108s @186cm (Now the Jeff) and just remounted my Woodsman 108s at 186cm with STH 16s. The Woodsman is an insane ski to ride. The right amount of meat on the bone, so to speak. It snaps in and out of turns soooo well. Its a mean ski to ride for sure.
Hey mate, I’m also trying to decide on some 3ps so hope you no mind if I jack this thread and ask you since you seem to have em all. I’ve never had a chance to try them. Trying to downsize my collection of shitty promo skis I hate and get one good honest resort ripper. Probably a woodsman 108.
would you say the Woodsman can kinda box in the same class as like Volkl Revolts, Fischer Rangers, Nordica Enforcers, Head Kores etc?
Looking for something that skis with some refinement but knows how to party. I really like damp, energetic, chargy. I generally like a stiffer ski but hate light+stiff, and esp hate planky park skis.