I have these K2 Pinnacle 95 PNC's. They were a gift from the K2 distributor. K2 made them to give away to best ski sales people or something like that. But I never mounted mine because they are too short for me.
So now I thought I could have some fun with them but cutting down the tail, make them into a sort of Pescado / Mirus Cor / Forma type of ski? I just checked the tails and rocker profile, I was thinking cutting down around 10cm and cut a round V shape in the middle for the looks.. This way I will not hit the Ti laminate that is in there.. I know the risk and I would probably cut a line over the entire width to fill with with epoxy to seal everything off etc.. So how dumb of an idea is this? The flex patern in the tails will be off? So it might not ski that nice anymore? Or because of it only being the very end of the tails the impact on performance is low?