Thats the name of the game these days. Ppl say if you go go juarez/el paso you will see drones zooming across the border 24 hrs a day. And if you can get a decent drone that can carry some significant weight like a kilogram of fentanyl/carfentanyl, if you had some solid connects you could make enough to retire for life from a few hours of remote drone flying. And honestly the idea of making millions by playing around with drones would probably be so much fun you would jizz in ur fucking pants.
if i was terminally ill i would absolutely pull a walter white and go buy some drones, move to texas and make some amigos.
(This is mostly satire guys. I dont want any of you to get in trouble with DEA or end up getting killed by a cartel soldier who thinks your a CI or an undercover agent. It is kind of fun to think about how easy it would be to make millions doing this tho…which now bc of technology is one of the lowest risk ways to traffic drugs that has ever existed.)
its almost hilarious that some ppl still think the war on drugs could stand a chance against the current combo of drone trafficking, high potency opiates and online silk road style marketplaces.
its like japan thinking it could win the war against the us after hiroshima and nagasaki.
DEA agent be like “hell yeah da japanese couldve won! They had kamikazes!”
Lol. Yeah sure.
kamikazis vs atomic bombs
is like
the drug war vs fentanyl carrying drones.
its no contest.