EDolloStoneThis has got to be the dumbest shit on this website, Time for a reality check. Your first video was trash. Second video was better, but trash. Nothing to show why you think you are a decent filmer and "great" editor.
Knowledge in the software and Good skiers dont make an edit. You have to be meticulous with your shots. Your video is letterboxed, no? If you were letterboxing your video, why didnt you move shots up and down to cut off heads? If you were a great editor, you would edit up your segment and you would watch and rewatch it to see what you dont like.
Also, you dont have to go for 3-4 minutes or however long a song is, like acctually, DONT. You're using footage that is shakey and shitty and it is dumb, it ruins the good shots. Make a shorter video with just the best shots. Because unless it is some insane trick, it isnt worth it.
This is just my two pennies but i really think you ought to get your fucking head out your ass.
If I could ban you from M&A I totally would. You do know there's a way of saying things without coming off as a condescending twat right? Yes maybe he isn't the best editor or filmer and maybe he was wrong to say so but nothing he said was offensive and he was asking to better himself, so your response was completely unwarranted. Frankly every time I see one of your posts a few of my brain cells die at the utter stupidity and social unawareness you have going on.
This is just my two pennies, but your head's so far up your own ass I'm not sure there's anything we here at M&A could do to help you get it out.
To OP. Hey man, I know what it's like to think you're a decent filmer and editor, but there's always a long way to go, I'm at shit tier myself but I'm always trying to learn more and better my filming. First off, understand design elements (your titles/text fonts and the way you use them don't fit with the video and come off as a bit tacky). Secondly that crop you're using cuts off way too much stuff the way you're using it, the stuff you're doing with your videos isn't inherently cinematic and if you're using it to make it seem more cinematic... I see an action reel, not a film. Why not just make it more cinematic if that's what you want out of your videos? Carefully plan out your shots, have a story you want to tell, and understand how to use the crop to your favor and don't just slap it on for the sake of slapping it on.
That's all i've got, there's a ton of people on M&A that could give way better advice/are better filmers than I am haha. Keep at it and you'll get better with each video you make if you keep trying to learn.