My point is, Canadians have to face the fact that a Bush win would actually be better than a Kerry win for a number reasons.
1-Democrats fundamentally are very protectionist, which means they will try to stop the shipping of jobs in Canada. A lot of jobs would be lost in Canada...
2-Kerry has clearly stated that it is his goal to make other countries share the load of Iraq. This means the U.S could apply some pressure on us to make us help them in Iraq.
3-Being protectionist, Kerry seems much less likely to lift the wood export tax or the beef embargo. Everything seems to point that Bush would quickly lift both of these quickly.
There are other reasons (name them if you know credible ones), and while the majority of Canadians are pro-Kerry for their values, a win wouldn't help us. Americans might have noticed all of the mentionned arguments would be advantages to them. Don't get me wrong, I am pro-Kerry for the U.S' sake, but not for Canada's, so I declare myself neutral, so no Americans (or punk_rider) will go saying stuff like 'Canadians are with us'.
'I'm the master of low expectations.'
'I understand small business growth. I was one'