Opening Friday!

The night crew laid it down last night.  After the first push session in the cat this morning we are looking good to re-open Friday!  So far the run top to bottom of the Castle Peak Quad has an average dept of 12-20 inches and there are still piles yet to be flattened out.  Tonights [...][IMG][/IMG]

By Freeze10

The night crew laid it down last night.  After the first push session in the cat this morning we are looking good to re-open Friday!  So far the run top to bottom of the Castle Peak Quad has an average dept of 12-20 inches and there are still piles yet to be flattened out.  Tonights forecast is for wide open snowmaking once again.  All of tonights production will be put into park features!  Guaranteed, we wil have a jump and the orginal staricase plus another 6-10 features yet to be determined.  It will be an assortment..jib/bonk/stall heavy with corragated tubes, tractor tires, mini wall(s) and RAILS/boxes to round it out.  I expect one of the best early season parks we have ever been able to put out….and its still OCTOBER!!!!!!!