Open Mics and Remodels

Open Mics and Remodels I am currently sitting in a small coffee shop somewhere in Salt Lake City, Utah waiting to play at an open mic. This will be the first time that I have 'played out' in qui

By freeheellife

Open Mics and Remodels

I am currently sitting in a small coffee shop somewhere in Salt Lake City, Utah waiting to play at an open mic. This will be the first time that I have 'played out' in quite some time and the first time I have ever played material on guitar and vocals for strangers. It has been a long time coming though, and something that has been on the drawing board for quite some time now. Ever since I quit pursuing music over 4 years ago and began focusing on skiing, I promised myself that I would complete my material somehow and start playing has taken till now. I plan on playing three songs tonight and am stoked for the low key environment to present something I care about. I am currently working on lyrical material from a time in my life from 2000-2002. I really want to complete this portion of my life before I move on to some newer material that I have been working on. I'm calm and feel semi composed to play a few tunes....this is the adrenaline rush I need today.

I spent most of the day remodeling my apartment. Painting and fixing things has seemed to have worked its way into my life somehow and I enjoy remodeling. I am by no means ready for a house of my own, but I have a pretty good deal with my land lord to work on my place and create something that is close to what I would like if the place were my own. I couldn't ask for a better place to live right now and it is perfect for everything I am trying to do in my life.

The week seems to be off to a great start with time to get done the things that I need to. Tomorrow I am fortunate to go skiing with a kid that I met through my website named Simon Winchell-Manning. He is going to be one of the leaders of a young generation of freeheel skiers in the world and I am lucky to know him. I feel that he has the capability to really make a name for himself in the jib world of skiing and beyond. It has been such a killer experience to get to know these kids through the site and find out that they have created a vision for freeheel skiing on their own. Now with the site, we all have the opportunity to feed off of one another and push the limits even more. The synergy is and will become more amazing.

Just minutes ago I was watching this home made video of this 13 year old kid slaying it on some ply wood rail thing in his back yard. History is in the making and the seeds are being planted for a revolution that is long over due! Mark my words that in the next 5 years there will be freeheelers in the X games and every other major competition you can imagine....things are going to get rowdy and it is a most beautiful thing to be a part of.