Tommy Contest Winner

A few weeks ago Tommy Ellingson hooked you up with a chance to win a pair of Rocker 2's from Salomon, so here's a look at who won!

By schmuck

A few weeks ago our good friend Tommy Ellingson launched the Tommy Contest right here on Newschoolers, where you could enter for your chance to win a pair of Salomon Rocker 2's. The rules were simple. Upload a video no longer than two minutes that shows you shredding the mountain. No terrain park footage was allowed (and helmets were mandatory), as Tommy wanted to see how you utilize natural, all-mountain terrain as opposed to anything man-made, as that's what the Salomon Rocker 2's are for!

28 entries were uploaded, and although Tommy loved them all, there could only be one winner. So without further ado, here's a look at the winning entry, followed by some words from Tommy on the contest...

Congratulations to Cam Redshaw! You've won yourself a pair of Rocker 2's from Salomon, courtesy of Tommy Elllingson!

"I want to start by saying how stoked I was on all the videos and how much pow there was in them. It was cool to see how you all looked at the terrain and to hear some different music. I really look forward to doing another video contest like this. I picked the winner based on overall impression and who I would most likely have fun following their lines. Everyone had some fun stuff that I definitely wanted to get a look at, especially some of the untouched pow! But overall Cam Redshaw did his thing. Stoked on the double back at the end and early on the rock island pillow thing. It was sick and looked so fun! You will most definitely enjoy these skis my man, because you can straight blast on these things! A giant thanks to all who entered and to all who watched all the vids. I hope everyone has a good and safe summer." - Tommy Ellingson