How To Be The Steeziest Skier On the Mountain

It doesn't matter what you wear, or does it?

By Matt Kretzschmar

Originally published on December 2, 2015

Browsing through Facebook the other day, I saw an article titled "8 THINGS YOU NEED TO BE THE MOST STYLISH GUY AT THE SKI LODGE" . I consider myself pretty stylish on and off the hill but maybe I've been doing it all wrong so I decided to see what style secrets this article held. Lo and behold, what I found was the ultimate guide on how to be your typical "I'm not rich, my dad only has 5 mil!" kind of Deer Valley Hospitality season pass holding, fuckboy. (That's a $5000 season pass in case you didn't know.)

Do the people that actually buy this shit go skiing or do they just have a 'Gram off in the chalet, showing everyone how rich they are? To each their own I guess. Looking past the asinine pricing of those "stylish" ski options, I'm here to offer you a real lesson in style....

You thought I was going to tell you to rock the latest Jiberish suit (murdered out no less), Saga's crazy mahalo prints, or Virtika's classic thug fits didn't you? The only lesson I'll give is the one above. Don't let some troll on NS tell you what is cool to wear and what isn't. You do you motherfucker.