Swedish Open

After yesterdays Swedish Open, I figured it’s best to take a break from competitions for a while, maybe untill christmas. It was probably my worst day skiing in a long time, but I cannot say I am dissapointed either. I as crashing my sw 9 all day, and I didn’t even make it to the [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/72/52/7252.jpeg[/IMG]

By daffy2k

After yesterdays Swedish Open, I figured it’s best to take a break from competitions for a while, maybe untill christmas. It was probably my worst day skiing in a long time, but I cannot say I am dissapointed either. I as crashing my sw 9 all day, and I didn’t even make it to the second jump more than once, during the two-hour qualifer session. I went home before it was even done. No need to push it when I was crashing whatever trick I tried.

I love skiing, believe me! But competitions is all about repeting your best tricks all day, and it doesn’t really show much when it’s all about big-air. Slopestyle on the other hand, is a little more fun!  This weekend I will be cruising Hafjell, I have a few tricks I want to do before this season ends!

Gotta go, 6 hours in a car is what’s up!