Back To School?.your kilming me here..(lame pottery joke)

On a boring Tuesday Morning we received a call from our friend/Kyler Cooleys Girlfriend Ms. Porter.  She happened to finish class early and invited Alex “Legit” Altmann and Myself in to throw some clay on the wheel. As you can see Alex displayed great form and payed attention while Ms. Porter was instructing us on operation [...] No related posts.[IMG][/IMG]

By Saga.

On a boring Tuesday Morning we received a call from our friend/Kyler Cooleys Girlfriend Ms. Porter.  She happened to finish class early and invited Alex “Legit” Altmann and Myself in to throw some clay on the wheel.
As you can see Alex displayed great form and payed attention while Ms. Porter was instructing us on operation of the wheel deal.
As you may notice my wheel isn’t spinning.  I shunned all tutalidge aside thinking to myself, “Hey, I’ve seen the movie “GHOST” and if Patrick Swayze can do this so can I.”  Unfortunately I epically failed and decided to sculpt without assistance of the wheel.
I made my friend Scott (misspelled intentionally on the mug SKOTT if you look closely) a birthday coffee mug.  I’m hoping he doesn’t cut his lip on the rim, I’ll have to use a ton of glaze before Ms. Porter Kilms aka fires it for me.
My second cup I made for myself turned out quite a bit better.
I also made this really crappy bank Deal.  Lucky for me, Ms. Porter invited us back next week to finish these projects and hopefully do some more.  Alex made a bowl and a cup, I was to jealous of his to take a picture.

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