Level Contest round #5 Winner!

The last contest this season is taken...

By schmuck

Congrats to Round #5 Winner: Tyler! NS name: Tremblantfuji23Answers:Contest #5This Level Pro survived a nasty face plant on the Quarter Pipe at last year’s Vermont Open. Who is he?Mike Wilson What country is Level Pro Marie Martinod from?France Is this the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year Level has run a trivia contest on newschoolers?2nd In what year were Winter X Games first hosted in Aspen?2002 The Winter X Games will remain in Aspen through the year?2010 It has been a great year for the trivia contests, big shoutout to level for making it all happen!  Plenty of people have walked out of this with brand spankin' new level gloves, so remember it pays to enter contests!  End transmission from Level.