Strep Throat and Too Much Weather

So there comes a time when you begin to wonder; how much is too much? This can relate to a multitude of things; too much saracha, too much late night Sex in the City, too much toilet paper and now the toilet wont flush... Anyway, where I am going with this is that I have had too much sickness this winter. And now, can I even say it... too much snow?

By Rachy

Last monday I attempted to have a lovely day skiing. It was definitely an attempt. As I cased every jump I tried I started to feel significant pain in my shins. So I figure I'll hit one more jump. I didn't call last run, just last jump. Apparently that is just as bad considering I some how got off axis in my 30ft stint in the air over shot the landing just enough that I thought my skis would break and ended up with lovely bruises on both of my shins. Sadly, I had to ski 3 more runs to get back to the main lodge. I forget how difficult it is to ski so far back. How do new to skiing 40 year old women do it? After this painful morning I was quite relieved to head down to Los Angeles for some web design work. I checked out the weather and saw 80 degrees and sunny-instant excitement. I spend my lovely days drinking tea, eating pretzels and making sure I checked out all the latest artwork in the artist district. I wanted to give surfing a go for a day, but my body was feeling excessive amounts of pain still. I sat around and ate mexican food instead. Now this is where the tricky part comes in. It ended up raining horribly thursday, friday, and saturday. I was outside quite a bit during this time. Thursday we ran about hollywood in 50 degree temps with pouring rain. Friday I got quite tipsy with some cabernet sauvignon and proceeded to go to the movies with some friends, again running around in the rain. Saturday I drove to Pomona to get my Ipod back, drove to Century City to get the keys to my place in LA, Drove to LA went to the coffee shop, went to the gas station, drove to Mojave where I got food at the Shell Station, drove to Bishop where I bought more hangers at K-mart, then drove to Mammoth where I came into several more people. Sunday I work 9 hours at the shop. Then Monday I realize I have strep throat.I have been fortunate enough to have never had strep throat before. I was beginning to think I was immune. I was a pretty lucky kid; no strep, no mono, no pink eye. But now? Really? I have it now? I'm 23! Isn't that too old? Ughh. So here I sit. I should have been skiing today, yesterday, monday. I do have health insurance through my work though, so it was great when the doctor visit came out to a whopping $12. But alas, I have had to call in sick to ski school and Footloose. They must be getting curious to the validity of my sickness. I was horribly sick 2 weeks ago with the Mammoth shlop, then last week I was gone on the web design job, then this week I have strep. What horrible act did I unknowingly perform for karma to kick my ass so much. One more day of sitting around and I should be back to work. Monday I am allowed to ski again which will be nice.... oh how I cannot wait for monday. I am however missing my 17th ski anniversary. Yes, 17 years ago Feb 14th was my first day skiing. I'll share my horrific story saturday.Anyway, on to the weather complaint. Not only is Los Angeles getting ornery over their excess rain, I am getting ornery about Mammoth's excess snow. I love 1 - 2 feet powder days, but 4 - 8 foot days... no thanks. Especially when it leaves the top closed, wakes me up every morning to avalanche blasting, and I'm stuck teaching lessons in blizzard conditions. Right before I left we had an 8 foot storm. I leave, we have a semi disappointing storm with a foot or so over a few days. Then I get back and we have been getting a foot a day at least. I'm getting sick of digging out my car every day. The weather report says snow for the next 8 days as well. Really? Must we get 12 feet of snow these two weeks? Over 2 days would be great, but I need a sunny day. I'm sick, I want sunshine. I need to instruct on Monday, I want it to be a peaceful day back. But alas, snow. Lots and lots of snow. I'm sure all you east coasters would kill for this and think I'm an idiot for complaining about something like too much snow, but I really think you need to be here to understand. But what else can I say other than, I am living in the most spoiled ski town in the US. I'm sick 2 weeks out of an eight month season and complaining about 10 cloudy days when we average 300 sunny days a year... Maybe thats why karma is being cruel, I'm taking this place for granted. Edit: Totally just realized how long winded this was... guess thats what too much medication does. Anyway, to add on to the death that is breading in this house, my roommate now has pink eye. Sooooo don't want that. So we lysoled everything, too bad I'm allergic to Lysol. I am now taking Claritin, nyquil/dayquil, penicillin and IB Profin....