April Fools at the Beave

Spring at Beaver Creek has been anything but ordinary!  Old Man Winter keeps pounding the mountain with snow.

By noj1080

I woke up early for work Monday March 31st expecting another soft slushy day like the one before. To my surprise when I looked out the window this is what I saw...

Over the night we had recieved 16 inches of snow and it was still falling fast.

When I got up to the mountain I could barely find the features in the parks. 

Even the pipe was powder turn heaven.

Moonshine still looks good with 16 inches of snow cover it! 

I know that these pictures don't exactly make our parks look top notch but I think it is amazing how much snow we are getting  this late in the season and everyone should witness it. 

I have been telling you all about our top to bottom jib line.  Some of you have experienced it for yourself but I think that the majority of you are still skeptical of the Beave so I edited up a top to bottom run through all the parks so you can see for yourselves.  Enjoy!

Head up to Moonshine next Sunday for the last day celebration!  I can't reveal what we are building but I can gaurentee that it will be a blast to ride and there will be a great party to go along with it.  See you there.

If you're a local, moving here or coming for a semi-permanent visit check out the EPIC PASS, it is an unlimited five mountain pass to: Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone and Heavenly

for only


This is an amazing deal to ski the best parks and best powder in Colorado, jump on it soon!

Are you thinking about moving to Colorado yet?!?