Chris Benchetler reporting in from The Nimbus Crew

For the last 2 weeks The Nimbus Crew has been hunting the Yeti living up in Canadian Rockies.

By CourtneyV

 For the last 2 weeks The Nimbus Crew has been hunting the Yeti living up in Canadian Rockies. Myself, Eric Pollard, Christian Sirianni, Andy Mahre, Ike Smith, Justin Wiegand, Erin Pollard, Shin Campos, and Christian Pondella (No... that's not a big crew), are all up here in Canada drowning in the snow. When we first arrived, the snow was too deep for snowmobiling off the trail, which limited us to lower elevation pillow lines. We were a huge junk show and wouldn't get out until about noon, but once we got there the skiing was incredible.

The Zone

Pillow Heaven

The stormy days continued for a while, but freezing levels began to rise, so the lower elevation snow was turning for the worst. Then, sure enough, the heavens opened up and we got our sunny days. It was a bit of a shocker because now we were getting up at 5 a.m. and racing crews, but the terrain was huge and seemed endless. We ended up finding a few cliffs to start off the day, then split the crews to try and be more productive. Eric, Myself, and Sirianni went to hit a cornice that didn't have the greatest snow for landing, but we sent it anyways. Andy and Shin killed it skiing a few lines, etc...

Chris Benchetler 180

After that sunny day the weather rolled back in, making a few more down days of watching Gossip Girl and eating Splitz burgers.. The sun once again returned for more early morning wake ups and 13 hour days. The skiing was insane, and if you liked the first webisode, make sure to tune back in for #2, we definitely had some good days.. The trip unfortunately came to a screeching holt. I hit a large step down, and re-broke my collar bone. I heard it pop and the pain set in instantly. The worst part was being 1 1/2 hours out in the b.c. with no pain meds and having to sled over millions of bumps. The crew acted fast; Eric ripped of his shirt making a sling, and Sirianni got me down.. The rest of the crew got my sled down and were a huge help. I am home now seeing the doctor today and will probably be out for a few weeks. It's a huge bummer, but I will see you in the next webisodes....

Chris Benchetler

The Filmer - Mr. Justin Wiegand
