weather is unpredictable

this week has been like a yo-yo.

By Darryl Hunt

before I get into my week I'm just going to do a little shameless plug for Hillbilly Wax. it's environmentally friendly, check it out.

So on Tuesday I went catskiing for the first time. A group of 10 of us (me being the token skier) went to Wildhorse Catskiing based out of Ymir. Concidering it hadn't snowed for a month I went into the day expecting shit, and was plesently suprised when it wasn't. Now, the conditions were far from epic, but north and east facing slopes were still soft and untracked so the skiing was fun. Most of the day was spent on relativly mellow terrain with lots of stumps and lumps in the snow to get some air, with one sweet run down a big face with a 15 footer that opened up into a big bowl. In the end I gotta say that catskiing is good fun, but I think next time I'm going to save up for a heli.

Wednesday night we played some street hockey with this cop sitting there watching us while we were playing. It was weird because he was just sitting there on his phone while we were playing hockey, drinking beer and smokin' the weeds. Only in Rossland. As it got closer to the weekend everyones mind's were on the Cold Rush. What should have been a very interesting event eventually got caned due to the lack of fresh snow. Yesterday was an odd sight at Red Mountain. A big group of some high up pros sitting around with nothing to do. I almost was going to give them quarters to do tricks, but I realized that I didn't have enough quarters. I also got to see the Hellbents yesterday, but unfortunately I didn't click into a pair, the look dope though.

With no competition anymore there was only one thing left to do. Still being hungover from Friday night it took a lot of effort (and a little redbull - or maybe it was the other way around) to get into the drinking mood again. But once it hit's your lips - it's so good. I have never seen Rafters so packed, it seamed as though the whole town was there, somehow I managed to get free beer for a good majority of the night. I learned something important last night: do not bring a pitcher onto the dance floor - everyone just ends up getting wet. As I was leaving the bar my friend Berry was (for some reason or another) was trying to pick a fight with the K2 guys and was trying to get me to back him up. Now I wasn't about to go punch Mahre in the face so I tried to get him to chill out, luckily his girlfriend came and took him home. There was an afterparty, but my memory got a little fuzzy at that point. I remember on the way there I was in the back of a pickup truck and my favorite hat flew off my head into the night. At the party this chick trying to fight this dude (this was the second fight she was trying to start in a week), but that's about it.

This morning when I woke up at the crack of noon I looked outside to see (holly shit!) IT'S SNOWING!!!. maybe if it keeps up tomorrow might be half decent. With Rossland having no significant snow in over a month, Ontario now getting slammed with snow, and a non-promising longrange forcast, I'm getting on the bandwagon and leaving town for a while. Here's hoping there's a new episode of Simpsons and Family Guy tonight.