‘Till Next Time

New Beginnings

By Cy Whitling

I’ve made the mistake of saying goodbye to NS before. Way back in 2015 I made the jump from writing and shooting photos for NS on the side to working full time for Blister Review. I worked that adult job for a few years, took a break to pursue illustration full time, worked construction, worked as a coach, worked in PR, and then, with minimal arm twisting, Twig brought me back to NS early in 2020.

You all were kind enough to put up with my comics and articles, and in the last three years, I’ve published 170ish random pieces with very little editorial oversight. Thanks Twig!

But now, again, it’s time for me to move on for a spell. I’m excited to announce that I recently became the Gear Editor for Powder Magazine.

I couldn’t be more grateful for every commenter, editor, member, media contact, and friend I’ve met on Newschoolers who has helped shape this journey.

When I first met Doug Bishop at SIA, I remember standing outside on a smoke break as he explained to me that creating content on Newschoolers wasn’t just screaming into the void. The industry paid more attention to NS than it wanted to admit, he confided, and while it often wouldn’t be reflected in comments on articles or photos, plenty of folks had used NS as a launch pad to careers in the ski industry.

At its core, NS is one of the few places on the internet where you can publish your perspective on skiing, in words, photos, illustrations, or videos, without having to pitch an editor or fill out some arbitrary criteria. If you want to talk about skiing, you can publish your words on this website. It’s simple, and it’s sort of magical.

Maybe no one will listen. Maybe folks will disagree with you. But NS is a platform for anyone with the gumption to grab it. Write your articles, take your photos, spew your thoughts, and post them on NS. I’ll read ‘em.

For now, I’m off again. Sure, I’ll still be lurking in the forums, trying to keep a finger on the pulse of the people on this site. But I won’t be making weekly articles and comics for NS anymore. Instead I’ll be devoting my energy to making Powder’s gear content as valuable and relevant as possible.

I love Powder. I used to devour every word of every issue. I’m so excited to be part of the rebirth of this platform, and I’m so thankful to Twig and Zorko for helping me get my foot in the door there.

My reviews and shop talk will start popping up on powder.com soon. If you liked my work here, I really recommend checking in on the new site, it’s going to be great! And if you’ve got a gear related story to pitch to me, whether it’s an indy brand that deserves a review, or a rant about the state of gear, my inbox is always open. I’m excited to bring some new voices into the ski gear conversation.

If you want to keep up with me personally, and my illustration work, it’s on Instagram.

Otherwise, ‘till next time NS. Thank you so much for everything!