Faction Ct2.0 2022 heart break rant

I've never been so disapointed and pleased at the same time by a pair of twigs.

By DisasterDaddy

This year, I had one resolution and it was to step out of my confort zone. So after k2, armada, and line I decided to try faction. One of my friends was running the prodigy 3.0 2020 and they seemed to be quite durable, tho he wasn't a park rats like me and specialy wasn't a big rail guy.

I was hesitant at the begining because some of my friends rode the early versions of the ct and it was an absolute delam fest at the time so I never really considered them.

So after some research I was pleased to find that they did a totaly new construction for 2022, lighter and supposed to be more durable. I bought them, slapped my marker griffon and headed to the mountain. And what a shock, these twigs are a fu***ing orgasm to ride!! So light, poppy, and men can they charge! I was kind of cut the di*** between my pants the first turns cause they bounced me out of them.

The flex altought stiffer than the typical park ski, is in my opinion perfect and butters are quite satifying when you learn to flex them correctly! Also liked the 131, 102, 127 width, it was the first time I rode a ski that wide and I quite like it even tho i'm from the east and we don't have much powder days!

This ski is very confidence inspiring, and it helped me bring-up my game alot this year, landing tricks I didn't land in years and also new ones!!

So yes, these ski's are as for now my favortie pair and most expensive that I ever had! And this is why I was so disapointed when after only 20 days of skiing this happened...

the skis had already 2 edge cracks and started to delam under foot!! Not very impressive for a close to 1000$ (cad) ski...

So my theory is that the step lip of the side wall make's the edge structure weak and "squishy" specialy when they are thiner because of the rails slides. I guess one of my disasters on the local dfd was enough to deform the edge and a defect in construction maybe contributed to the delam.

And that made me think about one of the first grippe I had with these skis. They advertise the edges as a 2.5mm but they are way skinier than that.. So alot less meat absorb shock and longevity over time. These are some of my old lines and armadas after 2+ years of riding..

Some don't even have edge cracks.. And I have 2 on my factions.. After 1/2 of a season!

My most expensive ski and the least durable by far.

So in conclusion, his ski is insane but it's still falling appart... It's kind of a heart break for me. I think for a less aggresive and more a jump oriented skier it would be perfect. But if your planning on hiting alot of rails, unless you have a fat wallet stay clear of them.

I filed a waranty claim, hope the "awesome" 2 year waranty advertised will serve me good. I'll update you all on that.