Pro Snowboarder Marcus Kleveland Is A Beast On Skis

Marcus Kleveland is actually really good.

By Matt Kretzschmar

Original Story on Redbull by Kristian Myrseth

Most of you have heard of Oystein Braten & Marcus Kleveland, two of Norway's biggest up-and-coming stars in skiing & snowboarding, respectively. The other day during some off time at X-Games Norway, they decided to switch things up and swap gear which usually would be a total embarassment for both parties involved, but it wasn't, at least for Marcus. He threw down switch rodeo 5s, switch 9s, super Feds, and other saucy rail combos (not sure if he did lip on blind 2 though).

Oystein didn't actually do half bad on the broboard either but Marcus stole the show!

“If you'd spent as much time skiing as you did snowboarding you would have been the world’s best skier as well. You would have mastered the double cork if you had just set aside a few days to practise,” Oystein said about Kleveland. At 13 or 14, Kleveland was already attempting dubs on skis and nearly landing them but he switched to snowboarding shortly thereafter and the rest is history, or at least the beginning of his already incredible career. Look out for both Oystein & Marcus as they compete in the finals of Slopestyle (Braten) & Big Air (Kleveland).