X Games Men Big Air Results

A large number of spins were spun.

By Adam Spensley

Luca Schuler went down super hard on the first run and hopefully he's going to be ok. There was a big break in the contest as a result and it put a definite dampener on proceedings. [Update: Luca was taken to hospital and has a concussion but is otherwise ok.] When we finally got going again it was time for 'stock' tricks to warm back up. Woodsy went switch dub 10 octo, Kai switch dub 12 misty, Henrik Nosebutter dub 12 blunt. Woodsy was the first to go triple with the switch triple 14 mute. Kai Mahler narrowly bailed the most crazy triple before Henrik brought back the Nosebutter triple 16 for a 46. Basically it's triple time. This is ridiculous skiing. Sidenote, Henrik's drop in steeze was the icing on the crazy contest cake.

On third attempt, Kai Mahler got his triple but a slight hand drag killed his score, it's legitimately the craziest jump trick i've ever seen. Henrik Harlaut stomped a mind blowing switch triple axis and bumped his overall score up to 88 and a 10 point least. Woodsy stomped switch triple 14 octo to go first ahead of Henrik (who then almost stomped what i think was a switch triple 16 blunt) by virtue of highest single score. The level is insane but this is essentially a Woodsy, Henrik and Mahler (who bumped his first switch dub misty score, cleaning it up to go solidly second). Henrik did a crazy switch dub 10 to round things out but scores didn't change, meaning Woodsy taking home the gold.