Fernie 4 edits are LIVE!

check out all the edits from the Fernie 4 contest and pick People's Choice by April 29th.

By Bomb_Snow

The Fernie 4 Film Fest is a four day, four minute film festival filmed at Fernie Alpine Resort. All teams are comprised of 4 individuals who have 4 straight days to create a 4 minute ski film at Fernie. This year we had 9 solid teams all gunning for a $4,000 Grand prize. Starting Thursday April 6th and ending Saturday April 9th, 2016, here's what the 9 teams came up with in just 4 days. What a time! Make sure to watch all 9 films and comment below to let us know your favorites as we will be announcing a People's Choice winner Friday, April 29th.

Check out this hilarious viddy from some of the boyz at Caravan Skis!