Mountain Biking

Last Saturday I headed up to Deer Valley resort with Ethan Taft.  While the terrain at Deer Valley provides relatively tame and unexciting skiing, the same terrain makes for some of the most fun and exhilarating mountain biking in the state.  The trails are not full of berms and table tops, but rather chunder, baby heads, and shark teeth.  Instead of riding a long with too much travel on a trail as wide as a hummer, [...][IMG][/IMG]

By 123ski

Last Saturday I headed up to Deer Valley resort with Ethan Taft.  While the terrain at Deer Valley provides relatively tame and unexciting skiing, the same terrain makes for some of the most fun and exhilarating mountain biking in the state.  The trails are not full of berms and table tops, but rather chunder, baby heads, and shark teeth.  Instead of riding a long with too much travel on a trail as wide as a hummer, Deer Valley trails are full of technical rumblefests, sketchy drops, twisty roots, and narrow singletrack.  This type of riding strikes at the very heart of downhill mountain biking. While many resorts are installing trails which claim to have 'flow", Deer Valley has stuck to the roots of mountain biking, and kept things technical.  Here are a few pictures from our day.  The first one is from Thieves Forest, the second is from NCS. Enjoy.

Thieves Forest: A steep, loose downhill course with numerous drops and rock features. Pads and downhill bike recommended. Hiking not recommended.
NCS (National Championship Series Downhill Course): This trail is one of the most difficult downhill race courses in the country. Steep and very technical, this trail is only for the properly equipped expert or pro downhill racer. Downhill-specific bike and protective gear recommended. Hiking not recommended.