Canadian Halfpipe Ski Team Website and Fanpage launch

As the Canadian Halfpipe Ski Team prepares to begin their first training camp of the 2009/2010 season (in New Zealand), they are pleased to report the launch of their team website and newly formed Facebook fan page.

By schmuck

Canadian Halfpipe Ski Team Website and Fanpage launch

As the team prepares to begin our first training camp of the 2009/2010 season (in New Zealand), we are pleased to report the launch of our team website, and also our newly formed facebook fan page. Click the links below for information on the team, updates, and photos and videos of the crew in action.

We will be updating the website shortly to reflect the 2009/2010 new team members and schedule, and the facebook fan page will be adding photos and video clips on a regular basis...

Our team website is:

And you can find us on Facebook at:

(You do not have to be a member of facebook to view the Fan page and the media contained there, however you will have to be a member to post there). Already at over a thousand fans, the fan page is a great way to interact with the athletes and their supporters.

As always, we thank you all for the support and encouragement, and are looking forward to another fantastic season!

Trennon Paynter


Canadian Halfpipe Ski Team