Tones of Home.

When your on the other side of the world for extended periods of time there really is something special about getting a small taste of home that makes it all that much better. For example when we were in China (I will elaborate more in a later post) one of the hotels had a bowling [...][IMG][/IMG]

By Saga.

When your on the other side of the world for extended periods of time there really is something special about getting a small taste of home that makes it all that much better. For example when we were in China (I will elaborate more in a later post) one of the hotels had a bowling alley and when we walked in the staff was amazed that we were going to play a few strings. So Bowling isn’t popular in China, check. But for us it was a great way to connect with something that is so familiar from home in the USA.

The bowling balls were even made in the USA, something very rare when it seems all of our products are being produced somewhere else these days. Don’t worry China we have the bowling industry on lock.

And to top the whole experience off they even served Budweiser, so I guess tonight we were bowling for merica’.

Back in Taiwan we hit up this spot called The Diner. The story is this place was started by a transplant from the US that brought back with them a classic Americana diner to the streets Taipei.

Everything about the diner was put together in perfect style, brick interior with classic Americana pictures displayed in the hallway. I spy Marylin Monroe and Janis Joplin, sorry Bieber no room on this wall for you.
All ambiance aside, the food was exactly what we needed, greasy cheeseburgers and fries.
And Turns out Portland, OR isn’t the only place with hipsters, gotcha!