Old School.

Last year our ski movie Revolver was all about how ski technology has been rapidly progressing over the past decades.  I ride rockered skis, the Bentchetler to be exact, and I have gotten so used to them I feel like nothing could be more fun to ski on.  I decided today to go way back, [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/03/32/65/33265.png[/IMG]

By Saga.

Last year our ski movie Revolver was all about how ski technology has been rapidly progressing over the past decades.  I ride rockered skis, the Bentchetler to be exact, and I have gotten so used to them I feel like nothing could be more fun to ski on.  I decided today to go way back, and stand on a pair of wooden skis from the 1920′s and really see how far ski progression has come.

These skis are so old that they don’t even have any sort of binding.  I attached each of them with a peice of  flat rope and that worked well enough.  they used leather boots back in the day, so I figured my snowboard boots (Atomic Snowboard Boots, I didn’t have any old Atomic wood skis, sorry Atomic) would mimick that close enough. I did some research by looking up the label on the ski.  They were made by Northland Ski Manufacturing Company in St. Paul Minnesota.  By the mid 1920?s and on into the 1930s, Northland was the nation?s largest producer of Winter Sporting equipment.

My grandpa Had these skis laying around his garage and I decided to hold on to them so they could stay in the family. After trying them out I am happy to say that ski technology has come along way.  Thank you to Jonathon Chandler for  taking the photos, and hanging out.

Here I am thinking, what am I thinking.
I used a strap to connect to the ski, thats all they used right?
Here I am thinking, Ok this just might work.
High speed and the straps held up.
Didn’t work.