Wax Your Skis

Ian Matteson Photo Dear friends, Going slow into features, casing jumps, and constantly struggling to increase your ve...[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/03/01/65/30165.jpeg[/IMG]

By Newschoolers

Ian Matteson Photo

Dear friends,

Going slow into features, casing jumps, and constantly struggling to increase your velocity will ruin your ski day and potentially cause injuries. Thankfully, waxing skis has been around since the dawn of the sport and even though we ski over concrete, wood, and a variety of harmful substances, waxing helps. The downside of course, is the chemical make-up of wax may be contaminating the very substance we cherish most. For us, a world with contaminated groundwater and poor snowpack sounds genuinely awful and we wish to increase knowledge on how to wax better, more environmentally friendly, and reduce the consumption of fluorocarbon waxes. To better address this issue, take the time to read the following article:

"Waxing for a Greener Tomorrow" by Evelyn French

As always, keep shredding, having fun, and doing everything in your power to protect our snowpack. After all, when we're 75, skiing with our grandchildren will be far more enjoyable than telling stories of a forgotten activity.

A message from Surface Skis 2010

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