Wasatch Mountain Podcast Crew

Below is the first of many posts to come from the Wasatch Mt Podcast crew. They are climbing and shredding all peaks in ...[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/02/74/27/27427.jpeg[/IMG]

By Newschoolers

Below is the first of many posts to come from the Wasatch Mt Podcast crew. They are climbing and shredding all peaks in Utah that are 11,000' or higher. Surface shredders Blake Nyman and Hayden Hayden are in this crew. Check out their website, watch absorb high quality media of phenomenal backcountry prowess, and get stoked!


Point it!

Blake Nyman living life!
Peace brotha. Peace
Proper footwear
Inhale Opportunity
Hayden Price
Smile! Hayden Price
En route: Hayden Price
Hayden getting that SLASH shot!

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