Tons of Snow

It snowed over 4 feet in some parts of the Wasatch Mountains this week.  I unfortunately was stuck in school working on a few projects that are due next week.  Oh well, soon enough we will have more snow.  My buddy Mitch Potter and some of his friends had the chance to get up at Alta and enjoy the fresh snow.  I can't believe how deep it was for October! [...]

By 123ski

It snowed over 4 feet in some parts of the Wasatch Mountains this week.  I unfortunately was stuck in school working on a few projects that are due next week.  Oh well, soon enough we will have more snow.  My buddy Mitch Potter and some of his friends had the chance to get up at Alta and enjoy the fresh snow.  I can't believe how deep it was for October!Alta Oct27 from mikewaas on Vimeo.