2nd place, Norwegian champs slopestyle

Today my day went from unbelievable sucky, to fantasticly good! Woke up at 0300 AM with terrible pains in my stomach. After beeing awake for an hour, I rushed to the toilet puking half-way into the bathroom all over myself and the bathroom. When I was done with the worst puke-session I have ever had, [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/70/89/7089.png[/IMG]

By daffy2k

Today my day went from unbelievable sucky, to fantasticly good! Woke up at 0300 AM with terrible pains in my stomach. After beeing awake for an hour, I rushed to the toilet puking half-way into the bathroom all over myself and the bathroom. When I was done with the worst puke-session I have ever had, I figured out the toilet-seat where down.. You figure out the rest!

I felt better this morning, and got up in good time for slopestyle practice at 0900 am.

Everything went okey all day, just feeling a little slack. I qualified into the finals, and you can watch the final at FRIFLYT-TV.

I ended up second place by the seniors, with unbeatable Thomas Dølplads at the top of the podium. Christopher Frankum took third.  This was an incredible action-forfilled 24-hours to say the least. Reality at it’s best!

Now it’s dinner time and party on!