Back in my Domain!

After a week of emails, phone calls and searching... I have found the bug and squashed it. If you have no idea what I am...[IMG][/IMG]

By Newschoolers

After a week of emails, phone calls and searching... I have found the bug and squashed it. If you have no idea what I am talking about: My domain was out of order for a few days there. But I am happy to report the kinks have been worked out and I'M BACK!UPDATE Snow if falling in Utah. I went to Summit County and skied Keystone and Breckenridge last weekend. Both mountains had full "not so mini shred" park set ups going. Park City just opened a few days ago with a legit jump set up as well... said to be better then CO's?! My crew and I are getting siked for filming... edits and webisodes coming soon.