Vote now for the JEA Video Awards!

Submissions for the am awards are closed and the nominations for the pros are in. Now it's the real deal: Time to cast your votes for the first-ever video awards!

By schmuck

Happy holidays Newschoolers!On November 20, we announced the JEA Video Awards as a way not only for the community to celebrate the best in the year’s professional ski filmmaking, but also to recognize some of’s aspiring amateur cinematographers and skiers. For the pro awards, we left the nominations entirely to you! The nominations have been counted, and the top five nominees for each of the nine professional categories have been placed into polls. Now it’s the real deal: Visit the JEA polls page to vote for your favorite films, skiers and segments! (You might notice that we’ve dropped the Gallant Award for worst crash from the polls, as Derek Spong won hands-down in the nominations. Stay tuned for an update on how Derek is doing.)Meanwhile, the response to the am JEA awards has been simply amazing—we’ve received over 40 submissions from eight different countries, and are busy watching every single movie! In fact, the number of submissions has been so overwhelming that we’re bumping the date to announce the winners until January so we’ve got enough time to watch them all and decide on the winners.The winners of the Amateur JEA awards are going to get hooked up with lots of schwag from our official JEA Video Award sponsors Jibij, Obermeyer, Sublux, Dynastar and High Society, as well as recognition on the site and a distribution deal for the Am video of the year!We’d like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who participated in nominations for the pro awards or submitted their movie for the am awards — E-hug! Stay tuned for the announcement of the amateur award-winners, and go cast your votes for the pros! Voting will be open until January 5, 2007.In case you missed that link: Cast your vote for the Pro JEA Video Awards!Another big thanks to our official JEA Video Award sponsors: