Doing Good

Hey fellow human beings!!Long time since last Update.That´s mainly because I haven´t had anything exiting to blog ...

By Newschoolers

Hey fellow human beings!!Long time since last Update.That´s mainly because I haven´t had anything exiting to blog about. I don´t think it´s that exiting to blogabout what I eat and all that bull shit, but if you want to know, I had frozen pizza for dinner today. My parents decided to godown to our house in spain to play golf. I guess it´s allright for parents now a days to leave their little boy with a broken neck at home. Mom and dad, if you read this... that was a joke... do not worry.I have my Sister and my brother in law to take care of me.Actually I don´t need much help. Im doing great.My biggest problem I have is my beard getting really irritating behind my neck brace. The best way to describe how Im doing, I can live normal really really boring life.I have no pain, I can move just as normal, just not any sudden fast moves and I can´t really do any activities, they also said thatI can´t lift more than 4 kilos. What is under 4 kilos that is worth lifting?Been a lot of comments and questions about the contests.and for people wondering if I read the comments, I do and I appreciate the comments very much. About the contests. I´ll have warm up contest next week.Im out