Hospital time

Hey guys!Long time no blog. As you may know Im currently in the hospital.Im waiting to get shipped to Oslo to operate,th...

By Newschoolers

Hey guys!Long time no blog. As you may know Im currently in the hospital.Im waiting to get shipped to Oslo to operate,the decision weather I am gonna operate or not is yet to be made.But Im pretty sure I have to operate and I actually hope so.allright, about time to tell you guys what I did.some of you may know that I hurt my neck, but I actuallybroke it. it isen´t nearly as bad as it sounds I skied away from it,walked around for 10 minutes afterwards, I have all the movement andfeeling everywhere. I consider myself very lucky allthough I was very unlucky as well. Since I actually pretty much stomped the trick it sucks to get a broken neck out of it. You can se on the video what happened but I´ll tell you my perspective. I was coming into the jump, the plan was to do a dub 12 but on thetakeoff I felt that I had way to much speed, and I didn´t want to land switch that far down the very soft landing. soooo,I set a really slow 10, probably the slowest 10 I have ever done,felt like a 3. came around perfectly, prepared myself for a hard landing,put my skis on the snow, got the feeling of landing it and then both my skis dug down in the snow witch sent me straight on my head. Im usually really good at just fliping over and roll, but it was so unexpected and I had alot of speed, so I just didn´t have time to do anything. that´s what happened. åre chrash from PK Hunder on Vimeo.That´s probably the last you´ll see of me skiing until this summer.I still don´t know the recovery time, but I figure it´s gonna take a little while.Im still in good spirit, I had a crazy and very good year, and im really happywith my comeback year, it sucks that I probably not gonna get to filmwith MSP and Field, but after this busy contest season Im kinda burned out allready, Im looking forward to take it easy at home, going on vacation tosomeplace exotic where I can play Blackjack.... yeah just living large i guess.PK