Here's what went down Opening Week at the Beave

[IMG][/IMG] Did you miss opening week at Beaver Creek?  Well here's what went down.

By noj1080

This first week has been unreal here at the Beave.  We opened up with a

14 feature park in the Lumber Yard on a sunny, warm, perfect park day. 

Shorty after that it started snowing and for the next four days we did

not see the sun.  When the clouds cleared we were left with 20 some

inches of fresh pow.  Here are some shots taken over the week, enjoy

the eye candy...

Crowd Favorite, the new mini S-rail

Side by Side

Urban Log!!

Tall Tee

Everybody get your stall on

BCPC Rookie Sean

I learned hand plants!!

Jeff Maus box butter specialist