Almost Six Years of NS

A memoir to my last six years of newschoolers joy...

By AndrewZ

So.... Once I posted a blog on here when it was a new feature, that was about two years ago now. So its been a while. But on a little more exciting note me and NS are approaching our 6 year anniversary! I really wish I could get it something nice but one of those little gold circles is a little bit out of my price range... but soon, I promise.

So looking back its been a long time, good, but long. When I first entered the realm that is newschoolers I was but a wee little freshman in high school. Somehow as I work my way through my junior year of college I still love this community as much as ever. I remember as a kid not really into freeskiing yet, more of a racer, just coming on here and browsing through the photo section for hours... dreaming and wishing. From there things only grew, my love of skiing and of this site. I can't tell you how many tricks I tried from things I learned on this site. It pushed my skiing to a whole new level (that meaning I did things like learned to grab with 360's and go huck unsucessful flips into pow stashes!).

I am the definition of a lurker; as of today I have been a newschoolers member for 2130 days. I have a grand total of 459 posts. That comes out to just over one post a week. But with no exaggeration between September and April I am on newschoolers 7 days a week for multiple hours a day. I usually just sit and read threads but usually whatever response I would have has already been said so whats the point ya know? O and by the way I just checked and the current member count is 113188 like holy crap, in the past day there were 40 new members!

I think that it's awesome though, the promotion for the sport, the community, everything. I have been here through a whole lot. I've seen a lot of punk kids just come and cause trouble, but I've also seen a lot more good kids who just come here for a love of the sport. And thats what its all about. I was here back when it was cool to leave NS because you thought there were too many little trouble makers, but I was also here when most of those that left came back... when they realized how much they really missed it. I've seen kids trying to find chad's gap, and kids putting on robes and wizards hats(which still nearly brings me to tears in laughter!) So I've been here through a lot and a lot has changed, but in my opinion the spirit is still the same... and thats why I keep coming back.

Well I really just want to to give a huge thank you to Bishop and Schmuck you guys are doing amazing things. I know you guys don't konw me but I've been here for a while and I really appriciate what you do (and I promise I will financially support it as soon as I'm not a super poor college student...)

Well thats all for now folks maybe someday I'll write another one of these things, it was kinda fun!