Register for the West Coast Session, win Amplids.

We've set up a registration system in order to score you a discount on your West Coast Session lift ticket. Other goodies included of course, thanks Amplid for making this offering happen.


Thanks to Amplid, we now have a system that lets you pre-pay for a

discounted lift ticket to the West Coast Session. Cost is $38,

registering will get you a Ski Bowl

lift ticket on April 26 (normal price $39) and a limited print West

Coast Session T-shirt (normal price $6), as well as help us gauge

turnout for buying foodstuff.

Plus, one pre-registrant will be chosen at random to win a pair of Amplid Townships.

Pre-registration closes at 7pm April 25.

shirt design by Abe Kislevitz,

Thanks Amplid for making this shirt possible

preregister here