AK Days with Garrett Russell

Alaska... Somehow, there I was.   Traveling to the final frontier alone... no camera man, no skier friends, and no expectations...

By Line Skis

The only lead I had was a random friend, whom I met in argentina two years ago.  Having moved to Mammoth my friend Luke convinced me to take the adventure north to his hometown, Juneau.

420 Chute and Mt Stuart

Right off the bat I found AK to be a unique and original place.  The atmosphere in the area was filled with adventure and stories of amazing feats .  If you desire to live in this neck of the woods I highly recommend being a hunter, skier, fisherman, sledder, or outdoors-man.

The first day of my adventure left a very satisfied and appreciative feeling of where I was.   Sledding, powder turns, sun, and a little jump was a sweet way to start an adventure.  Besides the riding, I found myself in more adventures off the hill.

Hogs Back at EC

The fact was my friend and I went on an epic couch surfing adventure in which we stayed in seven different locations over 15 days. Without cars Luke and I turned our little friend Will Gaiger into our guide.  Will is a kid who's seriously from the woods... He's like an elf or a gnome who always has something entertaining up his sleeves.

Will Gaiger

The AK Kids... L to R... Lucy. somegirl. Jesse, Kanaan B, DMac, 

someothergirl, Paul, Makai M, Will G, and Luke M

The rest of my adventure was... well I don't think you'd understand or believe me if I told you. With that, this is what I came up with from my adventure.   The possibilities are endless when you have little digi cam, friends, an open heart, and a little guide named Will.

Edge of the World... EC ski area AK


Thanks and props to all the AK Kids!
