Beaver Creek Update that works, sorry for the Delay

This year Beaver Creek's Park is going off with the longest jib line going!

By noj1080

Hey everyone, if you haven't been in Colorado for the winter let me fill you in. We have gotten more snow in Eagle County, this winter, than in the past seven years. Thats a lot!

At some mountains, that much snow would shut down the park. The park crew might even take a nap.
Not at the Beave, we jib no mater what!
Our parks are awesome this year, check out Zoom Room for long line of Medium Sized features .
The Lumber Yard is new this year and features a line of boxes mirrored by a line of logs.
Moon Shine, our big park, has what you need to go huge.
Did I mention you can hit all three of these parks in ONE RUN!! That top to bottom run will leave you stoked all the way back up the chairlift. If you want to see the whole run of rails, boxes, jumps and logs check out a trip up to the Beave and see for yourself! I guarantee you won't be disappointed.