What a Crazy, busy season!

My winter began in Whistler, training park and backcountry filming with Theory-3.  I’ve a sick clip throwing a cork 3 off the biggest cliff I’ve hit so far, I’m pretty stoked with it.!!!


Photos: Dan Carr (http://www.dancarrphotography.com)




 This has been a crazy, busy, season. My winter

began in Whistler, training park and backcountry filming with Theory-3.  I’ve a sick clip throwing a cork 3 off the

biggest cliff I’ve hit so far, I’m pretty stoked with it.!!! 



January I headed to my home hill, Red Resort for the Canadian Freeskiing

Open.  Red has the sickest tree skiing in

the world, yes, the world. Red Rocks. I hit it in time to ski some awesome pow

and sick lines with my bro Tyler Gigg from Salomon. After that I chilled with

my uncle Dave and good friend Dono, local legends, my personal guides and

coaches. We toured up Roberts twice a day scoping lines for the comp. As for

results I managed to take 1st place with a 14 point lead.  Definitely a good trip! 



back to Whistler for a short brake, before heading to the US Open. 


US Open was more of a learning experience for me; I took 16th in my

qualifier.  I can’t say I was happy with

it but I was there to learn and be fully prepared for next years Open.



February off to Red once again for the Red Bull Cold Rush.  What an amazing comp, riding with the likes

of JP and Tony, you name it everyone was there. 

Once the riders decided the results I ended up 4th, behind

JP, super stoked with the result!!!



back to Whistler for a week for more filming with Theory-3  before heading off for the US Extreme

Freeskiing Championships in Crested Butte, Colorado..  Should be a fun comp, I’m excited and hope to

do well!!!



rest of the season I’ll be focusing on shooting with Theory-3, really want a

good segment. A few more comps WSI, Whistler, Lord of the Park, Hemlock and

I’ll be coaching at the Salomon

Jib Academy

in COP.



your in Whistler and see me skiing around come over and introduce yourself, say



your all having a good season!!!!


