NS Members Video Update

Check out some short edits made by Newschooler's finest

By krink

       So there hasn't been much to update lately, what with all the snow we've gotten this so far in 08, you shouldn't be spending all your time in the parks. Nonetheless I wanted to throw up some videos done by NS'ers just like you rocking out at Stowe and a few other locals in the East Coast. Enjoy these videos from the likes of LJ Strenio, Peace Coast Collaborative, and keep putting your edits up on NS and I'll put them in another update.

      As far as the parks go some changes have happened and are in the works on Main Street. If you were there this weekend you would have noticed after the halfpipe the addition of the picnic table atop a good sized hip on the right anf followed by the doghouse box set up horizontally with the option of sliding it left to right via hip take-off or straight on like a quarter pipe. Sounds complicated but it's a really fun setup and I'll have picture up soon. Also we have removed the first 2 rail in the top of the park and will be reworking the jumps this week. Stay tuned for more pics and info on the large park later in the week.