RAILS TO RICHES with video

A little update from Killington VT in which Giray and LJ took home some serious dough.  Check out the great edit inside.

By Line Skis

Killington gave out so much cash this year to the winners of Rails to Riches they couldn’t even afford to front for the “free pizza” that lured spectators and athletes into the base lodge after the event, but was nowhere to be found. The set-up consisted of a brand new flat bar and an altered flat-down box with new siding. With a four-thousand dollar check up for first place the competitors spun, pretzeled, and pressed on the two features for an hour during the heated nighttime finals that took place last weekend. LINE Mcs Giray Dadali and John Strenio filled second and third while JD Zicat claimed the big check. Will Wesson also threw down some noteworthy techy tricks which the judges may not have comprehended. The lucky ones who made it out to Killington before the finals enjoyed some of Andy Parry’s innovative grinds and rebellious new fashion statements.

Check the edit, its good!

The Podium: JD, Giray Dadali, Jon Strenio. Austin Holt Photo: Right Coast Photo Site