January Marks Biggest Month in NS History

Over 40,000 different people visited Newschoolers.com in January 2004, making it the busiest month on the busiest freeskiing skiing website ever.

By schmuck

(Originally posted by Matt Harvey)

It was a banner month for Newschoolers.com, as more than 40,000 different people visited the site to rant, rave, read news, and show off their pictures and videos. It marks the fourth month in a row of bests, as more people get into the sport, and more skiers discover the site.

Monday, January 19th marked the busiest single day ever with 1.26 million hits. Monday, January 26th was the day with the most downloads as our server recorded over 18 gigs of data being transfered to your computers.

The busy month was not without its woes however. The site was offline for a couple hours on Tuesday, January 27th, although we still received over a million hits on that day. Also, earlier in the month, the database was maxing out with too many connections. Some code and databases were optimized and the problem was abolished.

January also marked the launch of our NS Journalists Network, a group of aspiring journalists spanning the globe, committed to bringing you guys event coverage as they happen. The group has just started their jobs, so expect a surge in news content in the following months. We are stoked on this new venture as we know that you need to know who won every event, and you need to know it right now. We've got that sh*t on lock-down.

Thanks to all the members and visitors for their continued support for what has become the greatest skiing site on the net.