Vagabond Part One

Train Journey

By bp.lando

$60 dollars is a deal you can't afford to miss out on

$60 dollars is how much my journey and frist film trip from milwaukee to boston via train is costing.

Just took the two hour trek on the commuter rail from MKE to the Chi, and now im super stoked that i found a trial card for a tmobile hotspot in downtown chicago... so i run into starbucks get my mocha and here i am now, waiting to board my 20 hour train trek to boston... already pretty bored but the train should be pretty sweet... dining car lounge the works.

I got 60 mins to kill here... this starbucks is pretty sweet on the corner of Wacker and Lake in chicago good people watching... i guess im gonna go grab some chow soon.... and tear up the food scene before i get on the train... not much food in this part of chicago (the loop) just starring on the sears tower saying OMFG thts large... i'll have pictures soon...

Staytuned for part Two!