RCFS, Will Wesson's latest video series

The first vid of RCFS just dropped, now Will Wesson explains what's behind the series. What does RCFS mean?

By MattMasson

Will Wesson’s new video series, RCFS, just went live. It's something he’s wanted to do for a while now, like many of us, he and his friends have been making their own setups since they started skiing and he says:

“This is just a more organized version of that!”

He's teamed up with Wasatch Academy (a boarding school in Utah) to take things to the next level "they have their own snowcat, cabin and ski-hill, where we can build anything we want to."

This is basically a dream come true "I've been thinking about doing this type of DIY snowpark in Utah since the early Traveling Circus Days (Around season 3 or so), but things never really came together. I was looking to buy land in the mountains and get the right sponsors involved that saw my vision.”

He’d originally nicknamed the idea "TC Mountain Lab" after the DC Mountain Lab they had in snowboarding.

RCFS will be short edits with Will and friends focusing on setups you couldn't find anywhere else.

“Resorts are limited by insurance, maintenance, and crowds. Everything just kinda came together for this idea over the summer after talking with Wasatch Academy about using their Cabin as a home base and building a park for them.”

This series is a separate entity from Travelling Circus. There won’t be any ‘reality show vibes’, that was a deliberate choice to keep the two separate.

“This one’s just short sweet action-based ski edits, focusing on unique setups and tricks.”

Plenty of DIYing[/i]

“Street skiing goes hand in hand with DIY and this is kind of a full-circle moment back to how I skied and learned tricks as a kid. Just this time we have way more snow then western NY, a snowcat to push it around with, and a fleet of rails to mix and match together.”

What does RCFS actually mean? Your guess is as good as mine, but Will said he wants people to make their own meanings…

Follow RCFS on Instagram @rcfs.tv