New Game Changing Marker Touring/Alpine binding?!

marker announced a new game changing touring/alpine binding. Could it become the touring binding of choice for freeskiers? Curious to see if someone had informations or pictures of this new binding!

By mc_mel23

Most of y’all must already know about what was supposed to be a game changing binding that released last season. The Salomon/Atomic Shift was an hybrid between a tech and alpine binding.

Now marker seems to make a comeback after their famous kingpin binding got outdated by the Atomic shift. They released a teaser on their website (link below). Is it going to be any better than the shift? I hope so. The shift binding is already a great binding for people who prefer to go downhill but still want the benefits of tech bindings on the uphill. We can’t complain for the moment because there is nothing else like it on the market but we can only predict that technologies are going to get better over time. Will it be any better than the shift, lighter, higher din, cheaper, more travel elasticity? We’ll know more informations soon!

Feel free to share information with the community! Any thoughts?
