Press Release: Windells Camp Partners with Renown Terrain Park Builder Eric Rosenwald

Eric Rosenwald Teams up with Windells Camp and High Cascade Snowboard Camp - Play Host to Olympic Teams from Around the Globe.

By Windells


April 27, 2017

Eric Rosenwald Teams Up with Windells Camp and High Cascade Snowboard Camp - Play Host to Olympic Teams from Around the Globe.

MT.HOOD, OREGON – We Are Camp, parent company of Windells and High Cascade Snowboard Camp, today announced an exciting new partnership with one of the world’s most respected halfpipe and terrain park builders, Eric Rosenwald of MNTN-DVSN. Known for his laser-precision work, Rosenwald will collaborate with Chris Hargrave, VP Programming, and Head Digger, Corey McDonald, to lead all aspects of the design and maintenance of High Cascade and Windells’ terrain parks this June, July, and August.

Over the past 25 years Rosenwald has been a key builder of Snowboarder Magazine’s Superpark over a dozen times, worked on event and photoshoot builds throughout North America, and has been an advocate for terrain park best practices as a member of the ASTM International and National Ski Area Association freestyle terrain working groups. “Over the years, whether it is lapping the public parks at June Mountain, Boreal, the superpipe at Park City or marshaling Superpark, I am constantly in awe of what Eric Rosenwald is capable of creating with a stack of snow and a snow cat. As someone who spends more than two weeks a summer at High Cascade I can’t wait to strap in and enjoy everything that Eric will be producing this summer,” stated Pat Bridges, Editor in Chief of Snowboarder Magazine

With the 2018 Winter Olympics nearing, both High Cascade and Windells Camps will play host to Olympic teams from around the globe, and have partnered with Rosenwald in their dedication to providing a quality on-hill product. Coaches have placed that confidence in Rosenwald, “He is a perfectionist. I’ve never seen somebody so focused and dedicated to making sure the pipes are parks are spot on,” said U.S. Ski and Snowboarding Head Coach Mike Jankowski. “Eric is an obsessive artist and the rest of us get to benefit.”

While Rosenwald and McDonald are privileged to create and maintain parks for the world’s best snow athletes, the camps are geared primarily towards people just starting out or who simply want to ride for fun. For this, they worked with Hargrave to design what they call the “Perfect Balance,” a coaching, park, and progressions philosophy that provides the perfect balance between learning new skills, applying them, and having fun. Hargrave adds, “As a coach I’m always looking for the perfect spot to teach; from a first air up to the incredibly challenging maneuvers of today’s competitive field, it should go without saying that terrain features can make the difference. We aim to give our campers, athletes, and coaches exactly what they need to breakthrough and exceed their goals in our parks!”

About We Are Camp

We Are Camp is a Mt. Hood, Oregon based private boarding school and collection of active lifestyle camps. With programs formed in the late 1980s, We Are Camp is dedicated to fulfilling its mission of, life improvement through snowboarding, skiing, skateboarding, and BMX.

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